Is the Polish Government’s Provocative Immigration Rhetoric Going To Work?

Poland’s general elections are coming up this Sunday. The ruling Law and Justice party has added a referendum to the ballot, with questions intended to stoke fears about immigration. This may be a tactic Law and Justice is using to edge out its right-wing challenger, Konfederacja. But will it work?

Read the whole article here.

The Slovaks Opted for Stability and Peace – Will It Work?

For months, Slovaks have been worried about the chaos and confusion affecting their country. Three and a half years after the last parliamentary elections, Slovakia stands at a pivotal juncture in its political journey. 

To find out more about the political situation in Slovakia, continue reading Kinga Brudzińska’s article:

The Slovaks Opted for Stability and Peace – Will It Work?

En quête de stabilité et de paix : les Slovaques ont-ils fait le bon choix ?

What will Ukraine’s membership of the European Union change? – German expert Explains

The European Union is expected to begin discussions with Ukraine regarding its future EU membership. However, Ukraine must first fulfill seven conditions set by the Commission, including judicial reforms and the fight against corruption.

Read the whole article with Sebastian Schäffer for ED News here.

Russo-Ukrainian war, EU influence in Eastern Europe – Director of IDM Sebastian Schäffer

In a recent interview for STM TV, Sebastian Schäffer, the Director of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), commented on the Russo-Ukrainian war and the European Union’s influence in Eastern Europe, highlighting the complexities of the ongoing conflict.

To watch the full interview, click here.

Kann die Schweiz neutral bleiben?

Der Krieg gegen die Ukraine löst auch in der Schweiz eine Neutralitätsdebatte aus. Eine Änderung ist nicht in Sicht.

Unser Kollege Péter Techet über die Nachbarländer Österreichs:

Die Presse

Wieder keine ungarische Partei im slowakischen Parlament?

Bei den Wahlen in der Slowakei Ende September hat keine der antretenden Parteien der ungarischen Minderheit eine Chance, in das Parlament einzuziehen. Warum wird die ungarische Minderheit keine Vertretung im neuen slowakischen Parlament haben?

Unser Kollege Péter Techet über die Nachbarländer Österreichs:



IDM visiting fellow prof. Ulrich Schneckener in the Slovak media

Prof. Ulrich Schneckener, IDM visiting fellow has been interviewed by Dennik N, a Slovak daily newspaper. 

In the interview he has emphasized that the annexation of Crimea in 2014 did not change much in the German-Russian relations as Germany believed that security in Europe was not possible without Russia. Prof. Schneckener pointed out that Germany forgot that Putin used gas as a weapon as was the case of Eastern European countries, especially in the case of Ukraine. Ironically after the annexation of Crimea Germany’s dependence on Russian gas even increased and part of Germany’s energy infrastructure was sold to Russian firms.

Is The European Union falling apart? – EXCLUSİVE COMMENTARY from EXPERT

In a recent commentary for ED News, Sebastian Schäffer, director of the Institute for Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), addressed Germany’s dissatisfaction with the European Union (EU) and discussed the possibility of Germany leaving the Union. However, Schäffer clarified that the German government has no serious plans to leave the EU in the near future, stating that criticism of Brussels is not uncommon. Schäffer emphasized the importance of acknowledging the achievements of European integration and warned against the negative consequences of destroying the EU.

Read the whole commentary here.

Lula already backtracked – Exclusive with Sebastian Schaeffer

Sebastian Schäffer provided his insights on Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s recent statement during an interview. Lula declared that his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, would not be arrested in Brazil during the 2024 Group of 20 summit in Rio de Janeiro, as long as he is the president of Brazil. However, Sebastian Schaeffer pointed out that Lula had already backtracked from his statement, acknowledging that the judiciary would ultimately decide.

Read the whole article here.

Wird jetzt aus dem treuen Ukraine-Freund ein Gegner?

Daniel Martínek hat mit Blick über die Lage in der Slowakei vor den Parlamentswahlen gesprochen, darunter auch, wie sich die Wahlergebnisse auf die Unterstützung für die Ukraine auswirken könnten. 

Lesen Sie den Artikel hier.