Parliamentary Elections in Belarus
November 14, 2019
10:00 - 12:00 CEST/CET
Panel discussion
Although neighboring no less than two EU-member states and a partner in the EU Eastern Partnership initiative since its start in 2009, the Republic of Belarus unfortunately remains but a blank spot in the mental maps of many Europeans. On the occasion of the 2019 parliamentary elections in Belarus, this panel discussion aims at both raising awareness and promoting knowledge about Belarus, and at discussing the parliamentary elections in light of the current situation in this very dynamic, yet widely unknown country with policymakers and representatives from the academic world, the media and the civil society.
Mag. Sebastian SCHÄFFER, Managing Director, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)
Dr. Erhard BUSEK, Former Vice Chancellor of Austria, Chairman of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna
Brigadier General Mag. Dr. Walter FEICHTINGER, Director of the Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management (IFK), Austrian National Defence Academy (LVAk), Vienna
Brigadier General Mag. Dr. Walter FEICHTINGER, Director of the Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management (IFK), Austrian National Defence Academy (LVAk), Vienna
Elena KRUSHEUSKAJA, MPA, School of Public Policy Alumna, Central European University, Budapest
Mag. Gerhard LECHNER, journalist and foreign policy editor, Wiener Zeitung, Vienna
Moderation: Brigitte VOYKOWITSCH, ORF Ö1 radio journalist, Vienna
- Beginn: Donnerstag, 14. November 2019, 10:00 Uhr
- Ende: Donnerstag, 14. November 2019, 12:00 Uhr
- Ort: Presseclub Concordia, Saal
- Adresse: Bankgasse 8, 1010 Wien
- Auskunft: Dr. Fabian Kümmeler
- Auskunft E-Mail:
- Anmeldung: ja
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