Is there still a Momentum? The Future of EU Enlargement
März 6, 2025
18:30 - 20:00 MESZ/MEZ
Venue: IDM Seminar Room, Hahngasse 6/Mezzanin/17, A-1090 Wien and online
In her political guidelines for the current European Commission, President Ursula von der Leyen described EU enlargement as a geopolitical imperative. She emphasized the need for a larger and stronger Union to boost security, stability, and democracy in Europe, ensuring the EU remains a key player on the global stage. Now is the time to act on these statements. But how should the future of EU enlargement take shape?
Candidate countries like Montenegro feel trapped in an „eternal waiting room,“ with accession negotiations dragging on for over a decade. At the same time, while many EU Member States recognize the need for enlargement, skepticism remains about how to proceed. Some argue that enlargement should only follow comprehensive internal reforms within the EU. This raises a critical question: is the momentum for enlargement, driven by the full-scale invasion in Ukraine, still alive?
This panel discussion aims to explore the importance and possibilities of revitalizing the EU enlargement process. The following questions will be discussed:
- What can be expected from the EU Commission regarding EU enlargement during this legislative period? Can the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and the Ukraine Facility contribute to tangible progress?
- Can the EU enlarge without internal reform? Is a reform of the veto mechanism essential?
- Which potential reforms of the enlargement strategy are necessary and feasible?
- How will the current composition of the European Commission and European Parliament, especially considering their shifts to the right, influence discussions and decisions on enlargement?
- Why is EU enlargement and ending the stagnation of the current enlargement process important and necessary? What would be the consequences of failing to achieve further EU enlargement?
Lukas Mandl, Member of European Parliament, Austria
Željana Zovko, Member of European Parliament, Croatia
Member of European Parliament, tbc
Led by:
Sophia Beiter, Research Associate, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)
Registration for onsite participation:
Registration for participation on Zoom.