70 Years IDM – Locating the Future
On 5 December 2023, the IDM celebrates its 70th birthday. What have we learned about ourselves, our neighbors and the region in the past seven decades? What could be a common vision for the next 70 years? What milestones lie ahead?
Our 70th Anniversary Celebration will feature a year-long program of events that bring together both established experts and young scholars from the IDM network. You will find more information about them below.

Chances and Challenges of Interethnic Dialogues in Kosovo

Special Round Table: Ukraine and Croatia: Navigating (Post) – War Hopes and Challenges

The Russian war against Ukraine and the (un)changed Central Europe. Challenges and opportunities of regional cooperation

Albania’s strategic added value to the European Union: shaping the future together

Decolonizing (the knowledge about) Eastern Europe?

“I, Robot”: Science and Learning in the Digital Era. Presentation of the DRC Strategic Foresight Project

Special Round Table: Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) after 70 years

Moldova’s candidate status and how think tanks can contribute to EU integration – the example of the IDM

European integration of the Western Balkans: Montenegro on the way to the European Union

The Power of Telling Stories Online. How to Build a Digital Strategy for an NGO using/based on the Example of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe

Beyond Elections: Youth Civic Engagement and the Future of Democracy

Hoffen auf Europa: alte und neue Versprechen einer gemeinsamen Zukunft

Global Fragility: An uncertain future

An Empty Promise to the Western Balkans? 20 years into the Thessaloniki Summit

YouTube Playlist
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Das Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa bietet seit 1953 hochwertig politische Analysen, Publikationen, sowie Veranstaltungen mit ausgewählten ExpertInnen zu den Kernthemen dieses geographisch-politischen Raums an. Mitglieder profitieren von zahlreichen Angeboten, darunter regelmäßige Updates zu Veranstaltungen, kostenlose Abonnements unserer Publikationen IDM Info (4 x jährlich), Info Europa (3 x jährlich) und IDM Policy Paper Series (mehrmals jährlich) sowie 20 % Rabatt auf das Abo der wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschrift Der Donauraum (sowie auf das Einzelheft).
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Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe
- Hahngasse 6/1/24, A-1090 Wien
- Phone: +43-1-319 72 58
- idm@idm.at