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Welcome to the
Website of the
The Institute for the Danube Region and
Central Europe (IDM) addresses current
questions regarding the Danube region,
Central, and Southeast Europe to enhance
knowledge about this region and promote
and develop good neighbourly relations.
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with our interactive map.
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Institute for the Danube Region.
IDM Vienna Podcast
CEE – Central Europe Explained
IDM Publications
IDM publications are aligned with our research priorities and target countries. With different formats, the IDM addresses a wide variety of interest groups and important multipliers. The aim of the publication activities is to impart sound knowledge about the region and to promote scientific and social dialogue.
IDM Vienna YouTube channel
Watch our discussions, conferences and insights!
IDM Vienna Blog
Here you find information about activities of our team and network
Current Magazine
Info Europa 2/2024 – Navigieren durch die Datenflut
Diese Ausgabe des „Info Europa” widmet sich der Digitalisierung im Donauraum. Autor*innen aus der Region schreiben unter anderem über die digitale Regulierung von Tourist*innenströmen in Dubrovnik, Frauen im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz, biometrische Gesichtserkennung in Belgrad sowie die Gefahren und das Potenzial von Kryptowährungen in Montenegro. Erfahren Sie, wie unterschiedlich die Digitalisierung die Region Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa prägt!
Become a member today!
Members profit from our numerous formats, including information about IDM events on a regular basis, free subscriptions to our publications Info Europa (3 x per year), IDM Policy Paper Series (several times per year) and our Annual Report. We also offer a discount of 20% on your subscription to the journal “Der Donauraum” (“The Danube Region”) as well as single publications.
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe
- Hahngasse 6/1/24, A-1090 Wien
- Phone: +43-1-319 72 58