Danube Conference 2020 – Post-Corona in the Danube Region
November 11, 2020
10:00 - 13:15 CEST/CET
Under the patronage of ARGE Donauländer / Working Community of the Danube Regions
Utopia or Dystopia – The Common European Future
Online Conference
The global Coronavirus pandemic put the world into a previously not imaginable vulnerable situation and might have given a first impression of further global crises to come. After its outbreak in China in 2019, the rapid spread of Covid-19 forced the World Health Organization (WHO) to state the global health emergency in January 2020, and to declare the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020.
As a result, in Europe, 25 years after the implementation of the Schengen zone, national borders were closed, public institutions as well as the private economy shut down, and people urged to stay at home. In the Danube region the Corona crisis has not only revealed insufficiencies in national social, economic and health care systems, but also intensified deep asymmetries among EU and non-EU member states. Moreover, the call for a common approach to crisis management contradicted national interests, in particular the minilateralism of the Visegrád countries, while the EU integration of the Western Balkans again appeared to take a back seat, concretely the start of EU membership negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania.
The conference therefore aims to reflect on utopian visions of a common European future on the one hand and dystopian ones on the other. While the first, positively connoted scenario draws sustainable reforms in economic and social life, together with a new climate-oriented consciousness; the other, negatively connoted scenario criticises problematic long-lasting effects on human and civil rights, socio-economy and ecology, and finally on liberal democracy. The main question is which lessons learnt and recommendations can be taken out of the Corona crisis to develop realistic future prospects and strategies to improve the situation in the Danube region as part of a common Europe.
Date: November 11, 2020
Online event: IDM Vienna YouTube Channel
Language: English
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM),
Danube University Krems
Co-operation partners:
BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna,
Europa Forum Wachau
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
Under the patronage of ARGE Donauländer / Working Community of the Danube Regions
With the kind support of Federal State of Lower Austria
10.00 Welcome addresses
Mag. Friedrich FAULHAMMER, Rector of the Danube University Krems
Dr. Martin EICHTINGER, Minister of Housing, Labour and International Relations in the Government of Lower Austria, in representation of Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Governor of Lower Austria
Dr. Erhard BUSEK, Chairman of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna
10.15 Keynote
Prof. Dr. Dragan PROLE, Full Professor of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Paul Celan Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna (April – June 2010)
10.40 Panel 1: (Un)Expected Paradigm Changes in the Fields of Politics, Economy, Education, Health Care and Ecology
Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Hubert HASENAUER, Rector of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Prof. Dr. Zdravko KAČIČ, Rector of the University of Maribor
Nataša NEDELJKOVIĆ, Head of the Section for International Cooperation, Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government, ARGE Donauländer Presidency, Novi Sad
Prof. Dr. Martin SELMAYR, Representative of the European Commission in Austria, Vienna
Julia WINKLER, MA, Staff secretary EU agenda Healthacross, Public Health Agency of the country of Lower Austria, Department for Healthcare
Moderation: Dr. Erhard BUSEK, Chairman of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna
11.50 Break
12.00 Panel 2: Possible Challenges and Chances for Youth, Culture, Media and Civil Society
Đuro BLANUŠA, MA, Secretary General of the Regional Youth Organisation Office (RYCO), Tirana
Prof. Adrian GUTA, Ph.D., Art Critic, Art Historian, and Curator, Professor at the National University of Arts, Bucharest
Dr. Daniela INGRUBER, Research Assistant – Research Lab Democracy and Society in Transition, Danube University Krems
Hedvig MORVAI, Director, Strategy and Europe, Erste Foundation, Vienna
Moderation: Nenad ŠEBEK, International Consultant for Media and Civil Society at Freelance, Belgrade/ Dubrovnik/ Mostar
13.10 Closing remarks
Mag. Friedrich FAULHAMMER, Rector of the Danube University Krems
Please find the PDF version of the programme (to download) below.
You can find the conference report here (in German).
- Beginn: Mittwoch, 11. November 2020, 10:00 Uhr
- Ende: Mittwoch, 11. November 2020, 13:15 Uhr
- Ort: Livestream
- Auskunft: Dr. Silvia Nadjivan
- Auskunft E-Mail: s.nadjivan@idm.at
- Anmeldung: ja
- Anmeldung unter: idm@idm.at