The Foreign Policy of Slovakia and Current Challanges for the EU
March 11, 2010
18:30 - 20:00 CEST/CET
Vortrag des slowakischen Außenministers Miroslav Lajcák (in englischer Sprache)
“Both our nations are undergoing their own stories side by side, with their joys and sorrows, phobias and prejudice; they both are part of the same integration area, but our convergence and getting to know each other is rather slow. We are members of the same European Union, but we live in our own separate worlds and fear sometimes to open it up to anyone else – even a neighbour.”
Gemeinsam mit der Österreichisch-Slowakischen Gesellschaft, der Diplomatischen Akademie Wien, der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Außenpolitik und die Vereinten Nationen und des Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy
