#WhatsTheMatterEurope – share your story with us!

May 29, 2020 - June 12, 2020
16:00 CEST/CET

25 years since the accession of Austria to the European Union – why should I care? Very often it is rather small things and personal experiences that make us a passionate advocate of the European idea. Therefore, the IDM team launched a unique social media initiative for this year´s anniversary aiming to make Europe visible through very personal mementos.

Along with the slogan „What´s the matter, Europe?“ we collect personal keepsakes and the stories behind them. Is there a souvenir, a picture, or another object which reminds you of Europe? Please share your story with us!

What matters to you in Europe?

Participate in our initiative!

How does it work?

Choose an object that you associate with Europe.

Take a short video with your phone (max. 90 sec, in landscape mode).

Upload it to your Social Media profile (Instagram, Twitter or Facebook). If you want you can nominate a friend to participate.

Tag the video with #WhatsTheMatterEurope and mention @IDMVienna (Please make sure the video is public).

Take a picture of your object and e-mail it to idm@idm.at (including a link to your video).

Tell us your story by Answering the following questions in your video:

Who are you (e.g. where do you come from/where do you live now)?

Which object did you choose and why does it matter to you?

What personal story/experience do you associate with that object?

What does that experience make you wish for Europe‘s future?

We are looking forward to sharing your story on Europe!

Curious which stories we have already received? Click here to find our videos.

Join us on Facebook to read about this initiative and other projects, get brand-new information from us on Twitter and follow us on Instagram for pictures and clips of our latest events!

  • Beginn: Freitag, 29. Mai 2020, 16:00 Uhr
  • Ende: Freitag, 12. Juni 2020, 16:00 Uhr
  • Ort: IDM YouTube Kanal
  • Auskunft: Sebastian Schäffer
  • Auskunft E-Mail: s.schaeffer@idm.at
  • Anmeldung: not required
