Globalization, Geopolitics and Brexit: Potential Prospects of Action for the Danube Region
Edited by: Friedrich Faulhammer, Silvia Nadjivan
Issue: 1/2021
“These conference proceedings are based on the Danube Conference 2019 the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) organized together with the Danube University Krems, under the patronage of ARGE Donauländer and supported by the Province of Lower Austria. For the first time, this international high-level expert meeting took place at the symbolic location Haus der Europäischen Union in Vienna. The date 31 October 2019, also considered symbolic, as EU and UK representatives finally agreed on a Brexit timeline and the UK’s withdrawal from the EU after 31 January 2020, nearly four years following the referendum in the United Kingdom. […] Therefore, the authors of this Der Donauraum issue address possible ways of reorientation for the European Union including successful cross-border initiatives and future perspectives for the next generations regarding the common idea of Europe.” [Introduction]
With contributions from Péter Balázs, Bekim Baliqi, Manfred Zentner and Stanislava Tasheva.
“EU foreign policy should not get lost in details or follow smaller-scale ‘national’ diplomacy patterns. Rather, it should align with Europe’s importance and global interests. EU-level foreign policy actions should be more selective, concentrating on the most important issues and partners.”
Balázs, Europe’s Lost Charm and how to Regain Confidence
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