General Tasks
Project coordination: “Central Europe and Future EU Enlargement”
Publications: IDM Policy Paper Series, IDM Blog, Der Donauraum
Digital communication and public relations
Climate, environment and energy in Central, East and Southeast Europe
EU integration and enlargement
Language Skills
English – Native speaker
German – fluent
Russian – advanced
Czech, French, Polish and Spanish – basic
Professional Experience
Since 09/2023: Research Associate at the IDM
09/2018 – 07/2023: English Trainer in Czechia and Germany
05/2021 – 09/2022: Academic Assistant at the Institute of Slavic Philology at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
03/2022 – 05/2022: Trainee at the Czech Centre Munich
07/2017 – 09/2017: Trainee at Eclectic Translations, St. Petersburg
Elite Graduate Program for East European Studies (main subject: Slavic Studies, supplementary subject: History) at the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany (Degree: Master of Arts)
Modern Languages and Cultures at Durham University, England (Degree: Bachelor of Arts)
Study trips to Innsbruck, St Petersburg and Tomsk
Study Scholarships – Master Studies for All Academic Disciplines
SIST LMU Study Completion Scholarship
“Between Gas Dependency and the Green Transition”, in: Malwina Talik and Tomasz Stępniewski (eds.): Austria and Central Europe: Foreign Policy, Migration, and Energy Strategies, Prace IEŚ nr 3/2024, Lublin, pp. 75-90
Energizing Cross-Border Cooperation in Central Europe, IDM Blog, 22.07.2024
The Sticking Points: A Toxic Relationship with Fossil Fuels in the EU candidate countries?, IDM Blog, 14.03.2024
Selbstbestimmung in Österreich: eine Zeitreise durch 70 Jahre, in: Info Europa, 2023/3, pp. 20–21
“Cold Waters”, in: Sebastian Schäffer (ed.): My Danube Story, Vienna 2023, pp. 17–19
„Elsa Winokurow – Studentin, Migrantin, Ärztin. Ein bemerkenswertes Leben um die Jahrhundertwende.“ Ein Projekt des 17. Jahrgangs des Elitestudiengangs Osteuropastudien der LMU München und der Universität Regensburg