One chapter in the relations between Washington and Vienna: Who was Richard Schifter?
June 6, 2023
09:00 - 12:00 CEST/CET
Commission The North Atlantic Triangle: Social and Cultural Exchange between Europe, the USA and Canada
Registration requested by 31 May: | For more Information click here.
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe
Vienna School of International Studies
Embassy of the United States of America in Vienna
City of Vienna, Department for Cultural Exchange
Part of the bilateral relations between the USA and Austria is constituted by the many migrants who managed to escape the terror of the National Socialist regime but not, however, to shed their attachment to their unfaithful home country.
In 2020, Böhlau (Vienna) published the volume Camp Ritchie und seine Österreicher. Deutschsprachige Verhörsoldaten der US-Armee im 2. Weltkrieg by Robert Lackner. The book provides examples from a considerable group of migrants. Many contemporary witnesses have been taken from us, among them Richard Schifter in October 2020. His family came from one of the crownlands of the Habsburg monarchy as it existed until 1918. There had been a huge amount of domestic migration, while many inhabitants of mostly economically backward regions emigrated overseas, mostly to the United States.
9:00 Welcome Address
Waldemar Zacharasiewicz | Chair of the Commission The North Atlantic Triangle
9:15 Ambassador Emil Brix |
Director of the Vienna School of International Studies
Bilateral Relations USA-Austria, a critical overview
9:45 Robert Lackner |
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Research on the Consequences of War, Graz
From victims to victors: Austrian exiles as interrogation officers of the US-Army and their return to their old home country
10:30 Kurt Bednar in conversation with Rick Schifter
Who was Richard Schifter?
11:00 Vera Strobachova-Budway |
OSCE, Vienna
The Duo Richard Schifter-Erhard Busek
11:30 Q&A
Moderated by Emil Brix
12:00 Conclusion
Waldemar Zacharasiewicz