“Romania as Future Member of the EU”
October 15, 2004 - October 16, 2004
10:00 - 18:00 CEST/CET
Romania and the EU Accession Negotiations:
Christos Katharios: Romania’s path towards accession
Christa Prets: A short Timeline – Accession negotiations of Romania
Christian Popa: Recent Macroeconomic and Banking System Developments
Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer: Economic Perspectives – Chances for Investors
Albin Budinsky: Schenker in Romania
Justice and Home Affairs:
Cosmin Bricu: A Strategic Approach for the Social Inclusion of the Roma
Alexandru Ionas: SECI Center – an Efficient Regional Tool for Combating Organized Crime
Democracy and Media:
George Chirita: Media and Democracy – what about Romania?
Anneli Ute Gabanyi: The Media and Romania’s EU Integration
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