“Since the adoption of the Sorbonne Declaration (1998), an ever growing number of countries have signed the Bologna Declaration (1999). […] After more than ten years devoted to the implementation of the Bologna Declaration, we are now able to draw firm conclusions and point out the problems that have arisen.”
Andrei Marga, Implementing the Bologna Declaration – The Need for a Change of Direction
Diese Doppelnummer versammelt zahlreiche Beiträge und Diskussionen der gleichnamigen zweitägigen internationalen Konferenz “The Paradox of the Bologna Process – Education, Mobility and Employment in the Danube Region”.
Mit Unterstützung des Programms „Lebenslanges Lernen“ der EU.
- Titel: The Paradox of the Bologna Process: Education, Mobility and Employment in the Danube Region
- Herausgegeben von: Erhard Busek
- Ausgabe: 3-4/2011