Danube Conference: Growing Together or Drifting Apart?
November 29, 2022
10:00 - 14:45 MESZ/MEZ
Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Alois Mock Saal
The IDM and the University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK) under the patronage of ARGE Donauländer/ Working Community of the Danube Regions with the kind support of the Federal State of Lower Austria and in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs invite you to attend the following event:
Danube Conference 2022:
Growing Together or Drifting Apart?
Regional contributions to a continental struggle
Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the Danube and its various tributaries moved into the spotlight. The struggle of exporting grain because of Russia’s naval blockade revived Danubian corridors. Even if the solution was temporary and limited, the case reminded Europe of the region’s ability to share resources and work together in times of crisis.
Today, besides water ways, a variety of lifelines run through the Danube Region connecting economies, infrastructures, and people. They are facing not only a war and its effects, but also economic threats, weather extremes, and ongoing attacks on democracy. Will we be able to safeguard democracy when tackling all these insecurities at the same time? Will we manage to share our natural resources with each other in a sustainable way, or will rising conflicts drift us further apart? What about the European Union and its member states after all, will they be able to adapt to the speed of decision-making and keep promises to its neighbors?
Facing continental and global struggles, regional actors urgently need to engage as key players in finding alternative routes. Therefore, the upcoming Danube Conference 2022 invites experts from various countries and backgrounds to explore regional contributions to cross-border challenges. Professionals will present regional networks and activities and discuss where to set priorities. Will macro-regional approaches such as the European Strategy of the Danube Region (EUSDR) be among the pioneers of a Europe that flows together? Join the debate!
Registration (until 21 November): idm@idm.at
The full programme is available here (PDF).
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM),
University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK)
Co-operation partners:
BMEIA – Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
BOKU -University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna,
Europa Forum Wachau,
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems