Energy supply security in Central and Southeast Europe
November 8, 2021
09:00 - 12:30 MESZ/MEZ
09:00 Introduction
Dr. Erhard BUSEK, Chairman of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)
Dr. Michael FAZEKAS, Executive Coordinator, Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI)
Maga. Ulrike LUNACEK, Former Undersecretary of State of the Republic of Austria, former Vice-President of the European Parliament, Member of the International Council of the IDM
09:15 PANEL DISCUSSION:The inconvenient truth: how to manage the transition right now and together
Moderator: Mag. Sebastian SCHÄFFER, MA, Managing Director IDM
Predrag GRUJICIC, Energy Community, Head of Gas Unit
Dr. Carola MILLGRAMM, Head of Gas Department, E-CONTROL
Dipl.-Ing. Kurt MISAK, Head of Security of Supply, Austrian Power Grid AG
Polad RUSTAMOV,Chief Technical Officer,TANAP Gas Pipeline, TANAP DogalgazIletim A.S.
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:30 PANEL DISCUSSION:Renewable trust? Regional allies for Europe’s energy security
Moderator: Mag.a(FH) Daniela APAYDIN, MA, Research Associate IDM
Kateřina DAVIDOVÁ, MA, Think Tank EUROPEUM, Czech Republic, Climate Change and Energy
Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Gerhard GAMPERL, Director Corporate Development, Verbund AG
Mag. Sebastian SCHÄFFER, MA, Managing Director IDM
Please note that access to the venue is limited and only permitted after registration. You can follow the event via Livestream on YouTube.
- Beginn: Montag, 08. November 2021, 09:00 Uhr
- Ende: Montag, 08. November 2021, 12:30 Uhr
- Ort: YouTube livestream – you can find the link below
- Auskunft: Mag. Sebastian Schäffer, MA
- Auskunft E-Mail:
- Anmeldung: Please note that access to the venue is limited and only permitted after registration.
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