IDMonSite – Gregor Medinger
Juni 8, 2020
15:00 - 16:00 MESZ/MEZ
What is happening in the (formerly) United States? The murder of George Floyd sparked angry protests and deepened the already existing multiple rifts in the US society. The poor and inconsistent crisis management in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, lead to widespread discontent. An assessment of the political situation also concerning the elections in November seems to be complicated as it has never been before – an open-ended discussion. Due to the global impact of this development and also the implications for our target countries, we will leave Central Europe in our next interview.
Erhard Busek (IDM) talks to Gregor Medinger, the past president of HVB Capital, Inc. and founder of Rum Hill Capital, LLC a financial services and investment company in New York. He is board member of several American corporations as well as charitable organizations in Europe and the U.S., and a member of the International Council of the Museum of Modern Art. He is the former president of the American Austrian Foundation, serving from 1989 to 1997, and a trustee.
Gregor Medinger was born in Vienna where he grew up and was educated, graduating with a doctorate of law from the University of Vienna. He is a citizen of both the United States and Austria.
Follow our live conversation IDMonSite on Monday, June 8, 2020, at 15:00 CEST on our YouTube channel, where the video will also be available afterwards.
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Your IDM team
- Beginn: Montag, 08. Juni 2020, 15:00 Uhr
- Ende: Montag, 08. Juni 2020, 16:00 Uhr
- Ort: IDM YouTube Kanal
- Auskunft: Sebastian Schäffer
- Auskunft E-Mail:
- Anmeldung: nein