Verleihung des Anton Gindely-Preises

Oktober 28, 2010
18:30 - 20:00 MESZ/MEZ

an Yaroslav Hrytsak, L´viv/Lemberg mit Festvortrag: More wrong than right: Recent Turns in Ukrainian Politics of Memory
In the very center of the Austrian capital, not far from the Hundertwasser house, there is a writing on a wall: “When they announce the end of the world, I will go to Vienna: everything occurs twenty years later there”. To some extent these words could be used to characterize the current state of Ukrainian historical memory …
Laudatio: Andreas Kappeler, Universität Wien 2010 Gindely
mit besonderer Unterstützung des BMWF

CV Hrytsak

Pressetext Gindely-Preis an Yaroslav Hrytsak

Speech Y. Hrytsak Oct 28

Gindely-Preis2010 V3 WEB
