
ERASMUS+ Internationales Danube-Camp für Kids von 13-14,5 Jahren

ERASMUS+ Internationales Danube-Camp

  1. Juli bis 11. August 2019 in Tulln an der Donau

für Kinder von 13 bis 14 Jahren

mit Übernachtung und Vollpension

um € 180

Ein Danube-Camp mit vielfältigen Aktivitäten (siehe auch die Beilage):

Die Kinder erfüllen insgesamt 10 „Missions“ in 6-er Teams: sie kochen, tanzen, musizieren gemeinsam, verkleiden sich als Donaumonster, basteln Roboter, studieren die Natur, lernen Witze und Wörter aus anderen Sprachen, bauen Schiffsmodelle, die dann mit 3D-Druckern verwirklicht werden, drehen Videos und können danach verantwortungsvoll mit dem Internet umgehen. An den „freien“ Tagen wird gebadet, gespielt, gepaddelt und die Umgebung erkundet.

Die Organisatoren wünschen sich, dass die Kinder sie mit ihren Ideen überraschen, dass sie im Team arbeiten, dass sie neue Freundschaften schließen, dass sie selbstständiger werden, und nachher noch lange viel Schönes und Interessantes vom Danube-Camp erzählen.

Das Camp findet statt im schönen und gut ausgestatteten „Junge Hotel Tulln“.

Verbilligter Kostenbeitrag € 180 für 15 Tage Übernachtungen mit Vollpension (Buffets) von abends 27. Juli bis morgens 11. August 2019.

Das Betreuungsverhältnis: jeweils 5 Kinder mit einem Betreuer.

Die Kinder kommen aus Österreich, Serbien, Bulgarien, Ungarn – lernen sich kennen und schließen neue Freundschaften.

Ein wenig Englisch ist von Vorteil.

Das Camp wird im Namen des „Instituts für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa“ vom Verein „International Cultural Communication“ organisiert und von ERASMUS+ finanziell unterstützt.

Kontakt und Anmeldung bei DI Peter Rebernik –


  • Beginn: Samstag, 27. Juli 2019
  • Ende: Sonntag, 11. August 2019
  • Ort: Tulln an der Donau
  • Auskunft: DI Peter Rebernik
  • E-Mail:

Next Europe: discussing the EU’s future in light of its history (MISU Summer School 2019)

‘Next Europe: discussing the EU’s future in light of its history’ (MISU Summer School 2019)

Munich and Vienna, August 5 – 28, 2019

The European Studies Program takes place under the patronage of the Chair of Political Systems and European Integration at Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) and the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP) in collaboration with the Viennese Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) as well as the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg.

The European Union is the most prominent example of regional cooperation. Both historical lessons and today’s global challenges spur European states to prefer cooperation over unilateral policy-making. Starting out as a peace project resting primarily on economic cooperation, the EU has developed into a supranational polity that does not fit neatly into the categories of a ‘state’ or an ‘international organisation’. European integration resulted in ever expanding EU authority, the ‘Europeanization’ of national political and economic systems as well as increased foreign security policy cooperation.

At the same time, however, disagreement on how to deal with crises in Europe’s eastern and southern neighbourhood, on the handling of refugee flows from the Middle East as well as the still looming sovereign debt crisis seem to show the limits of European consensus and solidarity. Time and again, national particularities appear at odds with the common interests. Domestically, public opinion has become less favourable with regard to European cooperation than it had been in the past, with the United Kingdom having decided to exit the Union. Internationally, the EU is triggered to re-consider its global role given the current US administration’s isolationist tendencies.

Against this background, the summer academy also analyses the prospects and challenges for finding a new rationale for European Integration. It thereby relates to the broader debates on the future of Europe and the project “Next Europe: In search for its narrative” that has been launched as a collaborative effort by the CAP and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.

The Munich International Summer University is based on an interdisciplinary approach. It combines different methodologies such as lectures, round-table discussions, group-work and students‘ presentations along with excursions. In addition to the academy, we encourage you to engage in a vibrant international student life on the campus of LMU Munich during the summer of 2019.


  • Beginn: Montag, 05. August 2019
  • Ende: Mittwoch, 28. August 2019
  • Ort: LMU Munich, IDM Vienna

16th DRC Summer School: “Falling Walls – moving borders – common house Europe?”

16th DRC Summer School on Regional Co-operation

„Falling walls – moving borders – common house Europe?“

30 June – 7 July 2019 University of Zagreb

The DRC (Danube Rectors‘ Conference) Summer School project was initiated by the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) and International House Pécs in 2003 to promote regional co-operation among young social scientists. It brings together young scientists and experts in different fields to discuss the ongoing changes, challenges and important aspects affecting the Danube Region. The participants come from different backgrounds and disciplines, which encourages them to widen their horizons and become more aware of the contrasting realities in Central Europe.

The DRC Summer School represents the opportunity to:

  • Share research results about the Danube region
  • Discuss the most up-to-date issues of the Danube region and Central and Eastern Europe with leading experts in the field
  • Present your research and get input from the workshop leaders as well as other participants
  • Broaden your horizon and knowledge
  • Meet new people from all around Europe and develop yourself academically

Experience an unforgettable week in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, and make lasting cooperation as well as friendships with an international academic institution.
Workshop topics
1. Collective security or a new cold war?
2. The common European currency – constant crisis management?
3. From “Big Bang” to “Brexit”
4. From homo sovieticus to homo digitalis – successful transformation of the civil society in CEE?

Join our DRC Summer School and receive up-to-date knowledge about the political, economic and social challenges of the Danube Region!


  • Beginn: Sonntag, 30. Juni 2019
  • Ende: Sonntag, 07. Juli 2019
  • Ort: University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia