Dilemma of Simultaneity – European Security and Integration

Dilemma of Simultaneity – European Security and Integration 

28 April, 10:00 CEST / 11:00 EEST

in the framework of the event series  

“70 Years of the IDM – Locating the Future” 

More than a year has passed since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. While Ukraine is bravely defending itself against Russian aggression, the country must at the same time initiate reforms and economic and political transformations in order to go through the EU integration process. What is the potential of regional cooperation and macro regional strategies like the EUSDR to support Ukraine’s EU integration? And how can we keep up solidarity and foster an understanding of the broader European public for Ukraine? 

With these questions in mind and in the framework of our “70 years of IDM”-activities, the Institute of the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) is happy to partner up with the Ukrainian Institue for International Politics (UIIP) to host a hybrid event in Kyiv. It has become clear that we cannot talk about the future of the Danube region without securing the future of Ukraine first. Under the general topic of “Locating the future”, we will therefore also discuss the future security architecture in Europe and the role of Ukraine.  



10:00 CEST/11:00 EEST 

Panel Discussion Dilemma of Simultaneity – European Security and Integration

Nadija Afansieva, Director, Ukrainian Institute for International Politics  

Andrii NadzhosDeputy Director, EU and NATO Department, MFA of Ukraine

Sebastian Schäffer, Managing Director, IDM 

 Mykhailo Omelchenko, Project Assistant, Ukrainian Institute for International Politics 

Keynote: “70 Years IDM – Locating the Future” in Novi Sad


Keynote: “70 Years IDM – Locating the Future” in Novi Sad

24 April, 14:50 CEST 

in the framework of the event series  

“70 Years of the IDM – Locating the Future” 

Melanie Jaindl hold a keynote speech at the 10th International Danube Conference on Culture, titled “Culture for All – The Danube as a Cultural Bridge”. In her keynote she stressed the importance of cross-border cooperation in the cultural sector, and why culture must not be neglected in the work of think tanks like the IDM. In this regard, she also presented the latest issue of Info Europa: Kulturführer Mitteleuropa (Culture Guide Central Europe), which annually highlights cultural developments in the region and counts as one of the main publications of the IDM.  

Time and Date: 24 April 2023, 14:50 CET 

Place: Novi Sad, Museum of Vojvodina, Congress Hall 

The Danube Conference on Culture 2023 is organized by: 

  • Museum of Vojvodina
  • Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public Information and Relations with Religious Communities
  • Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government of AP Vojvodina
  • Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg
  • Government of Lower Austria / Working Community of the Danube Regions
  • European Danube Academy
  • Danube Cultural Cluster

The Conference is also supported by: Institut français, SCCNS The Factory