Moldova’s candidate status and how think tanks can contribute to EU integration – the example of the IDM

October 12, 2023
13:00 – 15:00 CEST

‘Ion Creangă’ Pedagogical State University of Chișinău, str. Ion Creangă No. 1, main building, 2nd floor, Mediatica 

With the unprovoked and unjustified full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, not only has the European security  architecture been destroyed, but also the Eastern dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy has ultimately become obsolete. Moldova, together with Georgia and Ukraine, had already been pushing within the so-called Associated Trio for a closer cooperation as well as approximation to the EU. Contrary to the other three target countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) – with the suspension of Belarus’ participation in the EaP, the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement with Armenia and a similar agreement being negotiated with Azerbaijan – Chisinau wants to become an EU member. Following the application for membership in March 2022 as well as the candidate status received in June 2022, expectations are high that by the end of 2023, negotiations with Brussels could be opened. Regardless of when this happens, integration will take significant time and effort. Civil society organizations and think tanks play an important role in supporting these efforts. We discussed how the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) had been fostering European integration through regional cooperation over the past 70 years and proposed the concept of a Greater European Council, a policy that could contribute to a better transition in becoming an EU member both in general and in the specific case of Moldova. 

European integration of the Western Balkans: Montenegro on the way to the European Union

Oktober 10, 2023
10:00 – 11:30 MESZ/MEZ

Venue: University of Donja Gorica, Oktoih 1, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro

Even after months of coalition negotiations in the wake of parliamentary elections in June 2023, a new government has not been formed in Montenegro so far. As a member of NATO and a front-runner in the accession process to the European Union, the country’s pro-European, pro-Atlantic orientation is expected to continue under the new cabinet in Podgorica. However, the question remains what kind of stability the new government brings, can a multi-party coalition withstand domestic political turbulences and face regional turmoil and tensions? 

Considering the newly established political constellation in this Adriatic country and recent events in the region, the panel discussion focused on the long-awaited European integration of the Western Balkan countries. Experts evaluated the role of Montenegro and current cross-border cooperation formats fostering the accession of the politically and geographically strategic region of South-Eastern Europe to the European Union. 

The Power of Telling Stories Online. How to Build a Digital Strategy for an NGO using/based on the Example of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe

October 10, 2023
14:30 – 16:00 CEST

Workshop in the framework of “70 Years IDM – Locating the Future” and REVOLUTIONALE – the International Round Table Conference 2023

The online space is utilised by actors from all sides of the political spectrum, including autocrats, who eagerly resort to questionable practices to influence and confuse public opinion. The question often arises as to whether social media contributes to a more democratic world by connecting people or if they instead amplify polarisation and create information bubbles. Quite frequently, it is the most controversial messages that go viral. This situation is not inevitable, and NGOs can successfully assert their presence in the online space as well. However, this is not a level playing field as most NGOs may have insufficient funds for paid campaigns, social media software or employing a full-time social media manager who could focus solely on creating a strategy, preparing campaigns and content. 

This workshop explained how a well-conceived digital communication strategy can help NGOs to make the cause of their commitment more visible and successful. Based on her experience from the academic, governmental and NGO sectors, Malwina Talik (IDM) explained how NGOs can ensure that message gets through and reaches the right audience, what pitfalls to avoid and how to stay safe from malign actors. She used concrete examples of good practices and lessons learned of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe. As the IDM celebrates its 70th anniversary under the slogan “Locating the Future”, this workshop aimed to help your NGOs locate their digital future.

Beyond Elections: Youth Civic Engagement and the Future of Democracy

Beyond Elections: Youth Civic Engagement and the Future of Democracy 

“70 Years of IDM – Locating the Future” series 


Venue: Permanent Secretariat of the Community of Democracies (CoD), Aleje Ujazdowskie 41, Warsaw 

Youth engagement in public life is vital to building stable and resilient democracies and inclusive societies. Yet young people across the globe often feel detached from political processes and have the impression that they are not considered important enough to be represented and their voice considered. Paradoxically, many young people see themselves as actively engaged citizens, though they stress that voting in elections is the main channel through which they practice this activism.  

  • What are the perceptions of young people with respect to democracy, democratic forms of participation, and citizen activism in the EU and beyond? 
  • What tools do the governments have to engage more impactfully and consistently young people?  
  • What can the international community do to advance impactful channels for citizens’ participation and activism? 

This event was organised within the framework of “70 Years IDM – Locating the Future”, an event series organised in the IDM’s target countries on the occasion of its 70th anniversary.



Welcome coffee



CoD Secretary General Thomas E. Garrett

70YearsIDM: The Institute and its Mission in Central and Eastern Europe and the Danube Region,
Malwina Talik, research associate, IDM


Presentation of reports

CoD report: Youth Recommendations to Increase Engagement in Democracy 

Daryna Onyshko, CoD youth network coordinator 

GLOBSEC/IDM (EUact2 project): Young Minds, democratic horizons. Paving the Way for the EU’s Promising Future. Attitudes of Young People from Austria, Greece, Ireland and Slovakia”

Lukáš Dravecký, project coordinator, GLOBSEC


Prof. Irena Lipowicz, former Polish Ombudsman for Citizen Rights

Bartosz Kubiak, CoD YouthLead, Poland




Conclusions & closing remarks


Moderation: Malwina Talik, IDM


Hoffen auf Europa: alte und neue Versprechen einer gemeinsamen Zukunft

Melanie Jaindl moderierte ein Gespräch zwischen dem deutschen Botschafter in Slowenien Adrian Pollmann und den Teilnehmer*innen der Sommerakademie des Max Weber-Programmes der bayerischen Landesbegabtenförderung (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes). Inhaltlich drehte sich das Gespräch um die regionale Zusammenarbeit, nicht zuletzt im Hinblick auf die jüngsten schweren Unwetter in Slowenien und die Klimakrise. Darüber hinaus wurde die EU-Erweiterung am Westbalkan, diplomatische Arbeit vor und nach dem letzten slowenischen Regierungswechsel, die Bedeutung des Schengenbeitritts Kroatiens für Slowenien und die gesamte EU sowie der Krieg in der Ukraine diskutiert. 

Global Fragility: An uncertain future


Continuing support for Ukraine, resilience of Europe in the face of war and mitigating the global consequences of the conflict in a global dialogue were three overarching themes of GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum that took place on 29-31 May 2023 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

In light of the ongoing war in Ukraine and its consequences felt across, rebuilding stability, keeping unity and re-establishing links in Europe is more important than ever before. GLOBSEC Forum was designed to provide platform and create synergies among different stakeholders to respond to the challenges of today and foremost tomorrow.

The IDM was a content partner of the Forum and contributed to a high level exclusive thematic dinner “Echoes of War: Unraveling Global Consequences of the War in Ukraine”. What is more, Sebastian Schäffer, the IDM’s Managing Director was a panellist at timely side event: “The

European Political Community as an Inclusive Forum for Dialogue: Is this Enough?” co-organized by GLOBSEC and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). Finally, Director Schäffer took part in the activities related to GLOBSEC Danube Tech Valley Initiative.

An Empty Promise to the Western Balkans? 20 years into the Thessaloniki Summit


“70 Years IDM – Locating the Future” in Budapest:

An Empty Promise to the Western Balkans?  
20 years into the Thessaloniki Summit  

Keynote Speech:



Research Director of the HIIA

Followed by a discussion


Strahinja SUBOTIĆ 

Programme Manager and Senior Researcher of the European Policy Centre 

Sebastian SCHÄFFER 

Managing Director of the Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa  

Ferenc NÉMETH 

Program Manager and Research Fellow of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs 


Julianna ÁRMÁS 

Research Fellow of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs 

The event was held on 

23 May 2023 (Tuesday) at 15:00 (CEST) 

The venue of the event: 1062 Budapest, Bajza str. 44. Baruch palace. 

For more information check out An Empty Promise to the Western Balkans? 20 years into the Thessaloniki Summit

Déjà-vu or a breakthrough? The Status Quo and the Future Prospects of Belarus

Déjà-vu or a breakthrough?

The Status Quo and the Future Prospects of Belarus 

4 May, 17:00 CEST 

An IDMonSite-interview with Katsiaryna Shmatsina moderated by Malwina Talik 

in the framework of the event series  

“70 Years of the IDM – Locating the Future” 

Belarus’ nation-wide demonstrations against “the last dictator of Europe” in 2020 raised hopes for a democratic turn in the country. After the regime’s brutal response, political opponents, activists and critics faced a choice between persecutions or exile. Among those who had to flee the country was Katsiaryna Shmatsina, the guest of the IDMonSite. In a conversation with Malwina Talik (IDM) she analysed the situation in Belarus in the aftermath of the crackdown, the reasons for the endurance of Lukashenko’s regime, the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Belarusian society and the international standing of the country. The interview addressed the questions of the future of Belarus under the current circumstances and some less obvious positive developments that could turn the tide. 

Katsiaryna Shmatsina is a Belarusian political analyst and a PhD Fellow at Virginia Tech University (Washington, DC), focused on critical geopolitics and security studies.