European Narratives. – In Search for Common Diversity – Part II
- Titel: European Narratives – In Search for Common Diversity – Part II
- Herausgegeben von: Daniel Martinek
- Ausgabe: 1/2022
Published at the turn of the year 2021/22, this issue of the scientific journal „Der Donauraum“ includes contributions from the participants of the Young Scholar Forum 2020. Forming the second part of a two-part series, authors and participants were invited to explore the diversity of European narratives. Part 2 deals with Austria’s closer neighborhood. In addition, the authors look at the global challenge of climate change, analyze EU foreign policy and reflect on the creation of a European public sphere.
“European public media organizations would be necessary for a more equitable, and truly European public sphere. Internationally, it is a strategic mistake on the EU’s behalf not to have such bodies and outlets. While it has been a long-contested goal to fashion the EU as an actor with ‘one voice’, the infrastructure is not even ready to convey a European message, however unified or cacophonous that might be.”
Máté Mátyás, Lessons from the Backlash: Towards a More Equitable
European Public Sphere. A Policy Proposal
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