Parliamentary elections in Belarus 2024
Februar 28, 2024
10:00 - 11:30 MESZ/MEZ
Hybrid panel discussion
Venue: Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Hahngasse 6, 1090 Vienna
Scheduled for 25 February 2024, the parliamentary elections in Belarus will involve voting for local councils and the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Belarusian Parliament. Subsequently, a novel entity, the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly, will be constituted by the newly elected regional and national authorities.
A few days after the parliamentary elections, we expect Belarusian and international experts to shed light on key aspects of the electoral process. What characterised the election campaign? How does Alexander Lukashenko present himself these days? And how do pro-democracy forces in and outside Belarus deal with the impasse in their country?
Welcome Address
Gerhard Marchl, Head of the Department for European Politics, Karl-Renner-Institut
Briefing on the current situation in Belarus
Kamila Bogdanova, Research Assistant, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)
Panel Discussion
Aliaksei Kazharski, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Charles University, Prague
Alena Kudzko, Vice President for Policy and Programming, GLOBSEC, Bratislava
Artyom Shraibman, Sense Analytics, Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center
Malwina Talik, Research Associate, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)
Registration: You can participate in the event in-person on the premises of the IDM or follow the discussion via Zoom webinar or livestream on the IDM YouTube channel.
Registration Online Participation (Zoom)
Download the programme here.
You can also check out the Briefing on Parliamentary Elections in Belarus by our colleague Kamila Bogdanova (IDM Research Assistant) here.