Parliamentary Elections in North Macedonia 2020
Online Podiumsdiskussion veranstaltet vom IDM in Kooperation mit der Politischen Akademie und dem Karl-Renner-Institut
Despite the fact that North Macedonia managed to settle the name dispute with neighboring Greece, as well as cultural issues with Bulgaria and got the green light from Brussels to start accession talks, the enthusiasm for Zoran Zaev and his government among the citizens seems to be deflating. How is the current political situation in North Macedonia? Is a reliable prognosis of the upcoming elections possible? Which future developments are likely? The Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), in cooperation with the Dr.-Karl-Renner-Institut and the Political Academy of the ÖVP, organized the online panel discussion „Parliamentary Elections in North Macedonia“.
Mag. Sebastian SCHÄFFER, Managing Director, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna
Briefing on the current situation in North Macedonia: Dr. Gerhard MARCHL, Head of the Department of European Politics, Karl-Renner-Institut, Vienna
Panel Discussion:
Sofia Maria SATANAKIS, M.E.S., AIES Research Fellow, Associate Researcher at European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Vienna
Stefani SPIROVSKA, President, Youth Educational Forum, Skopje
DI Milan MIJALKOVIC, Austrian-Macedonian architect, artist and author, Vienna/Skopje
Sebastian SCHÄFFER, Managing Director, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), Vienna