Role of Migration and Diaspora in the Reform and EU Integration Processes in South East Europe

Symposium IDM ASO Project 2008 IDM Symposium held in March 17th 2009, Vienna Participants of the II Session:
Pier Rossi-Longhi (IOM Vienna), August Gächter (Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna), Paul Hockenos (Deutsche Gesellschaft f. Auswärtige Politik, Berlin), Marijana Grandits (former WT I Director of the Stability Pact for SEE), Muhamet Mustafa (Riinvest Institute, Prishtina) and Martina Handler (WUS Austria) (from left to right).
IDM-project supported by the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices (ASO) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF).
The project aims at dealing with the impact of migration trends and the implications of this phenomenon on the current development and reform processes in the region of South East Europe, especially in Kosovo. As an essential component of migration patterns, the Diaspora and its role on the reform and EU integration processes in SEE – mainly manifested in the transfer of remittances and know-how as well as in social, economic and political exertion on influence – obtains considerable significance.
The governments in Kosovo and in other SEE countries increasingly are recognising the relationship between migration and reform processes and the necessity for proper management of the migration issues as well as the multi-dimensional nature of migration challenges. The joining of forces to address from a regional perspective is also assigned an increasing importance.
Main objectives of the project:
Exchange of know-how based on existing research data between the partner institutions, further elaboration of these results in the topical framework of the research project, creation and strengthening of a sustainable regional network as base for further cooperation, expansion of the research base and provision of new insights into the relationship between migration and political/socio-economic reform processes, networking of the participating actors, broad dissemination and public discussion of the research results as well as publicity through media and publication.
Subject areas: Migration, Diaspora, Socio-Economic and Political Transition, Development, Human Capital Flight, Skilled Mobility, EU Integration.
Duration: May 2008 – March 2009
Project Partners:
Iliria Royal University, DI Naim DEDUSHAJ M.A., Kosovo Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Dr. Ilir GEDESHI, Albania Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Nikolina SRETENOVA, Bulgaria Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” Skopje (IDSCS), Ivan DAMJANOVSKI M.A., Republic of Macedonia University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences, Dr. Drenka VUKOVIC, Serbia Brief description of the activities:
– Existing research results of the various institutions involved to be further elaborated and discussed in a joint publication: the IDM academic journal “Der Donauraum”;
– Public conference held in March 17th, 2009 in Vienna.
Role of Migration and Diaspora in the Reform and EU Integration Processes in South East Europe
- Download Cover Der Donauraum 3 2008.pdf
- Download Invitation Conference Migration Diaspora and Refo.pdf
- Download Presentation Andreas Breinbauer.pdf
- Download Presentation Drenka Vukovic.pdf
- Download Presentation Ivan Damjanovski.pdf
- Download Presentation Martina Handler.pdf
- Download Presentation Muhamet Mustafa.pdf
- Download Presentation Nikolina Sretenova.pdf
- Download Presentation Pier Rossi-Longhi.pdf
- Download Presentation Rainer Mnz.pdf