Sebastian Schäffer quoted by Azerbajani media

Sebastian Schäffer has been recently interviewed by several Azerbajani media. Below you can find quotes from and links to the selected ones: 

On challenges for energy transition:

One can only imagine what would have been possible if the same ambition had been invested in real alternative sources a couple of years ago”

On the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

“The Kremlin feels very comfortable in its victimhood. According to them it is almost always the failure of everyone else and especially the West that is acting against them”

Sebastian Schäffer for Alghad TV

Sebastian Schäffer participated in a talk on Alghad TV about the Franco-German relations and the current security situation in the EU. He stated that despite many differences, both countries are close allies which was reiterated in the context of the 60th anniversary of the Elysee Treaty. Their relation is also reflected in different positions towards the war in Ukraine and diverging understanding of showing support and solidarity. Hoewever, there are bigger dissonances within the EU member states, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, than between Paris and Berlin. 

Sebastian Schäffer about the Russian war against Ukraine for Asharq News

Last evening Sebastian Schäffer discussed the Russian war against Ukraine in Asharq News. He explained that the dialogue should always be an option but with a reliable counterpart who does not change their narrative constantly. The war ends if the Russian regime stops the aggression. It is as simple as complicated as that. Nothing justifies the terror caused by the Kremlin who intentionally targets civilians in Ukraine. Putin attacked not only a country, but our values like freedom and democracy. Most of the Western countries do understand this by now and are willing to support Ukraine until it wins. 

You can watch the whole interview here.



Präsidentschaftswahl in Tschechien – Daniel Martínek analysiert die Situation für Eastblog und DerStandard

Die Tschech*innen wählen einen neuen Präsidenten. Daniel Martínek analysiert für Eastblog und DerStandard die Situation vor der Wahl und untersucht die aussichtsreichsten Kandidat*innen und ihre Chancen, das Präsidentenamt zu gewinnen.  

Lesen Sie den Artikel: 

im Eastblog  

auf derStandard


Sebastian Schäffer über den Besuch von Albin Kurti für PULS24

Regierungschef Albin Kurti kam für einen offiziellen Besuch nach Wien.  
Sebastian Schäffer erklärte bei Puls 24 News welche Themen auf der Agenda standen, wie sich der Konflikt zwischen Kosovo & Serbien entwickelt und welche Rolle Österreich dabei spielen kann.

Das vollständige Interview finden Sie hier.

Malwina Talik for radio RMF Classic about challenges and hopes of Austria and Poland in 2023

Malwina Talik was a guest of Łukasz Wojtusik in the programme “Rozmowy dwustronne” (“Bilateral talks”) on the Polish radio channel RMF Classic where she talked about the possible problems that Austria can encounter in the new year, the hopes of Austrians and how they relate with challenges faced by Poland. 
The interview is available also as a podcast and can be listened to here (in Polish). 

Sebastian Schäffer for Eurasia Diary – English about tensions between Serbia and Kosovo

Is Russia taking the war to the Balkans? “President Vučić has been acting as both arsonist and fireman in this conflict for years. He is mainly using it for domestic political reasons, unfortunately, the European Union has failed to put an end to this.” stated Sebastian Schäffer in an Interview for Eurasia Diary – English

You can read the article here.

Why does Poland welcome Ukrainian refugees but denies those from the Global South? Malwina Talik for Fair Observer

“Ukrainian refugees fleeing to Poland from the horrors of Russian aggression have met with a warm welcome. The Poland-Ukraine border, which constitutes the EU’s eastern frontier, opened for the massive influx of despairing people. But, just a hundred kilometers up north, refugees, mainly from the Global South, who are trying to cross the Poland-Belarus border have been experiencing a different treatment: barbed wires and walls, hindering them from entering the country and even if they manage to cross them, they are pushed back” 

In her article for Fair Observer, IDM’s media partner, Malwina Talik explains what lies behind those different approaches to people coming from the worn-torn countries.  

You might also be interested in: 

The Migrant Crisis on Poland-Belarus Border Is Lukashenko’s Revenge”, Malwina Talik, November 15, 2022, Fair Observer 


An interview with Sebastian Schäffer (IDM) about the war against Ukraine for Varna Peace Research Institute

What are the causes of the aggressive war against Ukraine? What are possible future scenarios?
Sebastian Schäffer spoke among other things about these questions in an interview for the VIPR – Peace Research, moderated by Josef Muehlbauer JC

Daniela Apaydin für PULS24 über die eingefrorenen EU-Gelder für Ungarn

Daniela Apaydin (IDM) ordnete am 13. November live für Puls24 die Position Ungarns im aktuellen Disput mit der EU-Kommission über Korruption Rechtsstaatlichkeit und EUGelder ein. Ist die jüngste Einigung ein Sieg oder eine Niederlage für Viktor Orbán? Wie reagiert Ungarn auf den Katar Korruptionsfall im EU Parlament? Und was ist noch zu erwarten?

Hier gibt’s das Interview zum Nachschauen.